Tunbridge Station
Tunbridge Station By-Laws (Ratified January 30th, 2024)
Part 1 – Constitution
Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be Tunbridge Station Civic League and referred to hereafter as the “Civic League”.
The Civic League is a 501(c) (4) non-profit organization whose purpose is to enhance the livability of the area by establishing and maintaining an open line of communication and liaison between the neighborhood, government agencies and other neighborhoods; to provide an open process by which all residents of the neighborhood may involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood; and, to promote the general welfare and interests of the residents of the Tunbridge Station neighborhood.
Section 1. Objectives of the Civic League
To unite the residents of the community in a bond of friendship and citizenship.
To enhance the quality of life in the community.
To meet at least three times yearly.
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
All homeowners and/or residents 18 years of age or older of Tunbridge Station shall be eligible for membership, to also include homes on Back Road which lie west of the RR tracks up to Mt. Pleasant Road. Membership will be defined as having paid the current annual fees as determined by the Executive Board.
Article III: Officers
Section 1. Titles
The Officers of the Civic League shall be:
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Each office is held by one person. Only one (1) member of a family and/or household may hold a position as Officer on the Executive Board. Officers shall be fees paying members.
Section 2. Term
Members of the Executive Board shall be elected to serve for two (2) years or until successors are elected.
Section 3. Elections
The officers will be elected and installed bi-annually at the last membership meeting of the year for a term beginning 30 days after elections. Elections for the Executive Board positions of 1st Vice President and Treasurer will take place in odd years. Elections for the Executive Board positions of President, 2nd Vice President and Secretary will take place in even years. Only one member, per household, may vote on business at any meeting. The individual voting must be a be an active Civic League member for the current year.
Section 4. Vacancies
Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by appointment by the President to complete the un-expired term of the office vacated.
Article IV. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers of the Civic League. Its duties are to administer the affairs of the Civic League under general and/or specific directions of the representative body as given in membership meetings; to conduct the affairs of the Civic League when not in session; and, to authorize necessary expenditures. At the discretion of the Executive Board, the Past President may serve in a non-voting, advisory capacity to the Executive Board.
The Disciplinary Committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) with a maximum of five (5) active Civic League members of Tunbridge Station who are not members of the Executive Board or any subcommittee. Allegations of misconduct or dereliction of duties against any Board Member must be in writing by a resident and submitted to either the Civic League email address (tscivicleague@gmail.com) or P.O. box address (Tunbridge Station Civic League, P.O. Box 15526, Chesapeake, VA 23328-5526). No anonymous allegations will be accepted.
Article V. Operating Funds
The Executive Board will set and collect membership fees from residents and conduct fundraisers to support the Civic League and the community of Tunbridge Station.
The Executive Board will update the annual budget every year. The budget must be approved by majority vote at the first Community Meeting each year by active Civic League members. Once the budget has been approved by majority vote the Executive Board will transact the Civic League business set forth within the budget.
If there are expenditures outside of the approved budget the Executive Board, by majority vote, may transact Civic League business between meetings and may authorize single expenditure(s) up to Three-hundred fifty dollars ($350.00). Any expenditure(s) over Three-hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) will require a majority vote of active Civic League members present at a membership Community Meeting.
Article VI. Committees
Committee meetings will be held at the discretion of the Committee Chairpersons. Committee Chairpersons will report at each Civic League Meeting on an as needed basis. Committee Chairpersons will be approved by the Executive Board.
Social Media
Garden Club
Disciplinary (as needed)
Ad hoc Committees, as needed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.
Article VII. Amendments to The Bylaws
Amendments to the Bylaws may be made by a majority vote of the active Civic League members present at any community meeting. The amended by-laws must be publicized on the website fourteen (14) days prior to the community meeting. They will not be posted on the community Facebook page.
Article VIII. Review
The Tunbridge Station Civic League Bylaws shall be reviewed by the Executive Board as necessary or as directed by the President. The President, with the approval of the Board, may convene an Ad-hoc Committee to review the Bylaws. Any amendments by the Ad-hoc Committee must be submitted to the Executive Board for review/approval prior to presenting the proposed amendments at a membership meeting.
Part II – Policies and Procedures
Article I. Compensation
The Civic League, being a 501(C) (4) non-profit organization, shall operate exclusively in the best interests of the residents of Tunbridge Station. All Executive Officers and committee members shall serve without compensation from the organization. No part of the income or net earnings from the organization shall serve to benefit any private individual.
The Executive Board shall have the responsibility to accept bids and proposals from licensed and insured contractors/businesses for services or maintenance required by Tunbridge Station.
A minimum of three (3) bids shall be considered for any services required by Tunbridge Station that is Three-hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) or more. Every effort should be made to obtain three (3) bids, but if unsuccessful, the Executive Board, by a majority vote, may accept less than three (3) bids.
For services less than Three-hundred fifty dollars ($350.00), the Executive Board may approve the expenditure(s) without bid.
The Executive Board may allow volunteers to provide some services with Board approval.
Article II. Quorum
A quorum for Executive Board meetings shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members.
A quorum for any general community meeting of the Civic League shall be the number of members in attendance. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, decisions by the Civic League shall be made by a majority vote of those members present at any community meeting.
Voting procedures shall be at the discretion of the President, which could include a roll call by name of active Civic League members, show of hands, voice vote, or write-in vote.
All officers must attend all community meetings. Excused absences can be granted for emergency events or unforeseen occurrences. Any officer who cannot attend a meeting must contact the President and/or Vice President prior to the meeting.
Article III – Order of Business
The following shall be the order of business at a community meeting:
Call to order
Roll call
Approval of minutes
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Committee reports
Unfinished business
New business
Notice of community meetings shall be by any of these means or a combination of email, phone, leaflet, signage, or community website (tscivicleague.com) and must be given at least 14 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The Civic League shall follow Roberts Rules of Order in all areas not covered by the bylaws.
Article IV: Duties of the Officers
Tunbridge Station residents seeking a position on the Executive Board must comply with the following:
Must be an active member Civic League member of Tunbridge Station.
Send an email to the Civic League email address (tscivicleague@gmail.com), expressing what position they would like to be considered for on the ballot.
Must have attended a minimum of two (2) community meetings within the current calendar year prior to seeking office for that year.
Should no active Civic League member show interest in serving on the Board, at the President’s discretion, he or she may take nominations from the floor at a community meeting where new Board positions are on the ballot. Once appointed and voted by active Civic League members the appointee must become an active Civic League member within fourteen (14) business days.
Section I. President
The President shall preside at all meetings unless an unforeseen conflict arises. At this time, the 1st Vice President must be notified as soon as possible and must stand in his/her place. The President shall appoint the Chairpersons of Committees and fill vacancies in the Executive Board. Also, he/she shall appoint any committees/subcommittees as may be deemed necessary.
Section II - 1st Vice President
The 1st Vice President shall perform such duties as are assigned by the President. In the absence of the President, the 1st Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.
Section III - 2nd Vice President
The 2nd Vice President shall perform such duties as are assigned by the President. In the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President, the 2nd Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. Additionally, the 2nd Vice President will assist and coordinate with the Social Media Chairperson to keep current and maintain the Tunbridge Station website (tscivicleague.com).
Section IV - Secretary
The Secretary shall be responsible for managing the official correspondence as needed for the Civic League, as directed by the President. The Secretary shall record attendance and take minutes at all meetings, to include Executive Board and membership meetings.
Section V - Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for collection of funds/receipts and disbursement of Civic League funds, upon proper authorization given by the President and/or majority vote of the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall render such financial reports as may be required by the President. The Treasurer shall submit all records for an annual audit by the Executive Board.