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Blooming Garden


Have you heard of the Adopt-A-Garden Program

with the City of Chesapeake?








Here is the information regarding the program. The Adopt-A-Garden program is a great opportunity for landscape companies and other organizations to select a roadside or intersection garden to plant and maintain. Groups must submit a garden plan and upon approval, are advised to visit the garden monthly.


This program seemed like a perfect fit for our neighborhood, and it doesn’t cost us anything to be a part of the program, except cost for plants, flowers, mulch - over the years we have been fortunate to have the mulch provided by Tri-City Materials, LLC, irrigation system maintenance, power bill to run the pump, mowing services, reporting unsafe conditions and major maintenance needs, and volunteer time to beautify the Right-of-Ways.


We, Tunbridge Station Civic League, have entered into an agreement with the City to Adopt-A-Garden and we will be receiving signage at the front entrance from the City with the ability to beautify our neighborhood.


After much discussion with the Public Works Manager who manages this program, we learned about the following items.


**Right-of-Ways – owned and maintained by the City – the City does not have the resources to maintain subdivision Right-of-Ways and rely on them to care for them. In doing so, the subdivision’s take on the liability of any damage, etc. to these areas. The City does not assume any liability.


The median in the front entrance has a multitude of City and private utility infrastructure that exists beneath, including an eight-inch sewer main, an HRSD force sewer main, two stormwater drainage pipes, and various private franchise utility conduits. No permanent structures can be installed.

**Brick signage at the entrance – was created by the developer of the neighborhood and belongs to the neighborhood. Should any damage, etc. happen to the structure, it is the liability of the neighborhood.


**Trees in the median and Right-of-Ways belong to the City. See the Tree Maintenance tab on the website for full details.


**Sprinkler pump/irrigation system – owned and maintained by the neighborhood. The City is not responsible for it or anything related to the system. If it affects anything beneath the median is the liability of the neighborhood.


**Dominion Power Poles – City paid to install them and pay for the power, but the poles are owned by Dominion.


Everyone here bought in this neighborhood for many different reasons, but the common denominator people purchased here was the beautification and care neighbors take of their homes and surrounding area.


The Adopt-A-Garden agreement was the perfect fit to continue this for many years to come. The agreement is open-ended between Tunbridge Station Civic League and the City of Chesapeake Public Works. Either party can end the agreement at any time after the first year.


We look forward to volunteering our time and donations from the neighborhood to continue beautification of our neighborhood with you all!

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